Executive - Permanent Committee

Committee Charge

The Executive Committee transacts the routine business of the Council and is convened by the Staff Council President, who serves as Chair of the Committee. All business transacted by the Executive Committee is reported at Staff Council meetings by the President-Elect. The Executive Committee receives Committee reports, via the Staff Council Speaker, for Staff Council Committees and via the Staff Council President for external (University-wide) Committees. The Executive Committee determines the agenda for Council meetings.

The Committee currently meets via zoom, every Friday at 11 a.m., except for those weeks that the Business meetings fall on. Please contact scouncil@unm.edu for further details.

Committee Members

President & ChairIvan Olay
President Elect - Damion Terrell
Speaker - Amie Ortiz
Treasurer - Carla Sakiestewa
Grade at Large Representatives - Bonnie Minkus Holmes and Sierra Kowalski
Precinct at Large Representatives - Frankie McQuerry and Frankie Flores
Immediate Past President, ex-Officio - Grace Faustino
Administrator, ex-Officio - Amy Hawkins

Current Year Minutes


