Governing Documents

  Regents' Policy Section 6.12: University of New Mexico Staff Council 
Adopted on September 12, 1996, the Board of Regents approved the creation of the University of New Mexico Staff Council.

 University Administrative Policy 1150: Staff Council 
The University's official policy concerning Staff Council was first issued on October 15, 1995.

 Staff Council Constitution 

The Staff Council Constitution describes the purpose of the Council and specifies the makeup of its general membership. The Constitution outlines the Council's election process, the duties of the officers, and the role of the Executive Committee. The Staff Council Constitution was originally approved and ratified by the UNM Board of Regents in 1992. Any amendments must also be ratified by the UNM Board of Regents, after being adopted by Staff Council. 


The Staff Council Bylaws are the standing rules that describe how the organization functions. The Bylaws set forth rules that determine the function of the officers, administrative support, committees, business meetings, rules of order, and ethics. The Bylaws were originally approved by the Staff Council in 1991 and are periodically amended by the Staff Council with a two-thirds vote. 

 Election Code
The Staff Council Election Code establishes the procedures for conducting annual Council membership elections and the election of the Staff Council officers who serve on the Executive Committee. The Election Code specifies that the Rules & Election Committee, as established by the Staff Council, is charged with conducting annual elections and carrying out and enforcing the Code in a fair and consistent manner. The Election Code was originally adopted by the Staff Council in 2007.

memorandum-of-understanding.png Memorandum of Understanding 

The Memorandum of Understanding between the University of New Mexico and the UNM Staff Council was first signed in 2006, and most recently updated in 2022.  

Physical Address
Hokona - Zuni Room 302
Phone: (505) 277-1532


Mailing Address

UNM Staff Council
Hokona-Zuni Rm 302 MSC02 1560
1 University of New Mexico
AlbuquerqueNM 87131-0001