
What Is a Resolution?

A resolution is a document introduced by a Staff Councilor usually requesting that action on a particular issue be taken. It may also express an opinion or position of an organized body. Usually, after the adoption of a resolution a member of the Council, the resolution sponsor, or any other member of the body may request that the resolution be directed to one or more University Officials for consideration and action. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to ensure that a resolution is sent and reviewed by the person or the office to which it is sent. It is also their responsibility to report back to the Council on any action or non-action taken.


Naloxone Accessibility and Training for UNM Staff


UNM Staff Mentorship Program

Creation of Staff Compensation, Promotion, and Retention Standing committee

Development of an Effective Communication Plan to all Staff about FLSA Changes by HR

Disability and Neurodiversity Advocate and Ally Trainings

A More Inclusive and Compassionate Bereavement Policy

Addition of Mental and Emotional Wellbeing to Policy 3410 Sick Leave


Resolution to Reduce or Eliminate Cost Sharing for Behavioral Health Services

Support for UNM Legislative Priorities

Defending Academic Freedom

Add Height and Weight to the UNM Non-Discrimination Policy


Designate June 19, Juneteenth National Independence Day, as an Official UNM Holiday


Electronic Information Accessibility

UNM Incentive Equity 


Support for UNM Legislative Priorities

Addressing Climate Change at UNM

Spanish Translation of Key University Communications, Mandatory Training, and Policies 

Requesting Town Hall Regarding Policing


Addressing Acts of Racism at UNM


Support for UNM Legislative Priorities

Parental Leave 

Employment of People with Disabilities

Tuition Remission 


Support for Staff with Disabilities


Creation of Staff Council Town Hall Ad Hoc Committee

Security Cameras in All Campus Parking Lots

Creation of a Sanctuary Campus at the University of New Mexico


Creation of Staff Councilor Engagement Committee

UNM Seal

Shared Governance

Winter Break Schedule

Campus Police Officer and Security Staff Commendation


Adoption of 2015 Strategic Plan

Retain Healthcare Retiree Benefits for Future UNM Employees 

Budget Leadership Team Proposal

Staff Engagement Survey Data 


Support for Compensation Increase

Request for Additional Council Funding

Creation of Staff Council Events Committee