Improving the working lives of staff at The University of New Mexico.
The UNM Staff Council Constitution, Article II, Section 1, explicitly details the purpose of Staff Council: The purpose of the University of New Mexico Staff Council is to represent the interests of all staff, and to serve as an important source of input into the issues and decisions of the University as they relate to the general welfare of the staff of the University of New Mexico (UNM). The Staff Council shall represent UNM Staff to the University administration, and the Staff Council president shall serve as an advisory member of the Board of Regents.
Core Values
The original 2015-2020 Staff Council Strategic Plan released the LEADS model to highlight five core values to guide Staff Council work. The 2020 Strategic Plan Committee enthusiastically adopted this model of Leadership, Education, Advocacy, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Service (LEADS).
About the Staff Council
Founded in 1990, the UNM Staff Council strives to be the voice and advocate for University employees whose primary job is that of staff.
The Council is divided in half, with one half representing job grades and the other half representing precincts (organizational codes grouped by Vice-Presidential reporting structure). Representatives serve a two-year term with elections for grade positions held in odd-numbered years and elections for precinct positions held in even-numbered years.
The workforce behind the Staff Council is in its permanent and standing committees. In addition, the Staff Council appoints staff representatives that serve on University-wide committees.
Any staff member employed in regular status and has an FTE of at least .50 is eligible to serve on the Staff Council. The Staff Council encourages full and equal participation - no staff member is denied full and equal participation for reasons of race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, political belief, age or disability. In addition, all staff, regardless of status or FTE, is allowed to participate in any Staff Council standing committee whether or not he or she is an elected representative on the Council.
In September of 2020, the Staff Council approved the reading of a land acknowledgment at the beginning of each Business meeting. Learn more about the land acknowledgment on UNM's DEI website.
Staff Council Submission for HLC Accreditation 2018-2019
The University of New Mexico has been continuously accredited through the Higher Learning Commission of (HLC) since 1922. The HLC accreditation covers all of UNM’s campuses and programs. Staff Council believes it is important that our participation in the self-study be included in this year’s Accreditation Report to the Higher Learning Commission. See the Council's full report at the link above.
The institution’s last comprehensive accreditation review occurred in April 2009, resulting in a full 10-year reaffirmation of accreditation. Read the UNM 2009 Self Study Report, as well as other information regarding accreditation.