Staff Council Update: Elections and COVID-19

March 17, 2020

Important Information: Staff Council Spring 2020 Precinct Elections

Good morning:

I’m writing to you from my home-office--my base of operations for the next few weeks. I’m not slowing down and I want you to know that countless staff are working both in-person and remotely to continue serving our students and the state of New Mexico. The limited operations plan that is in place included input from staff (I’ve received more than 250 emails from you all helping to inform my advocacy through that process) as well as the faculty and student advocacy groups. I’m thankful to President Stokes for listening to the concerns you shared with me and for including me in that decision-making process. You are being heard. Please continue discussions with your supervisors about your specific concerns and requests – this is how the plan was designed.

Please also see this message from Human Resources VP Dorothy Anderson regarding additional changes to leave and pay if relevant to your specific situation. UNM’s commitment to ensuring we are all kept whole and healthy is truly inspiring.

I believe that President Stokes, Dr. Roth at HSC, Provost Holloway, and Senior VP Costantinidis are effectively balancing the needs of continuing UNM operations with working to keep safe each and every UNM employee. Indeed, their decision to continue to pay all employees at their current rate and FTE (and maintaining all benefits under current employment) is an extremely generous action that is not being taken by every employer. Today, alongside many other days, I’m so grateful to work for this institution. I hope each of you is doing what you need to do to stay healthy, and I appreciate the hard work being done especially by staff in the Residence Halls, Food Service, the Student Union, Johnson Center, our UNM Police, and in places like the Library. Countless other staff who are in Tier 1 are working across campus in less-public roles and they’re work is no-less appreciated.

Staff Council Elections
Earlier this morning I sent a request to the Staff Council Executive Committee asking them to exercise their authority under our governing documents to postpone the Spring 2020 Precinct Elections. Because of the limited operations on campus, and the high number of staff who are working remotely or who aren’t working, I do not think that holding these elections, as scheduled, serves the interests of staff, Staff Council, or the University. Many staff do not have reliable internet access, and still others are focusing on more important things at this moment in time. We recognize this.

At my urging, the Executive Committee voted to approve this request and the Spring 2020 Precinct Elections have been postponed.

The Office of University Council has assured me that we have the authority to take this action and I have requested that the Staff Council Rules & Elections Committee works with our Staff Council Administrator, Amy, to reschedule elections for the soonest possible week after UNM returns to normal operations (all staff back on campus). Depending on further guidance regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m hopeful that we will still seat new Staff Council representatives in May, as scheduled.

I did not make this request lightly. Elections for Staff Council representation are fundamental to who we are as an organization. I firmly believe that the annual election of members to this body empowers staff and staff councilors to engage in meaningful dialogue about staff advocacy.

It is because of my firm belief in this principle that I felt compelled to insist on holding elections at a time when we can ensure both equal access and timeliness of the request to vote. People are not going to be focused on - or appreciate our attempts to get them to focus on - the SC elections. In light of the reduced staffing model that has been activated for our campus, we cannot do this with our elections as scheduled.

Please continue to check your email and the UNM Coronavirus website for important updates. Working together we can flatten the curve and also continue to deliver on our mission as The University for New Mexico. Again, I appreciate the hard work that each of you do each day, and through this difficult time. We’ll get through it because we’re stronger together.


Ryan E. Gregg
Data Manager | Admissions
President | UNM Staff Council

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Physical Address
Hokona - Zuni Room 302
Phone: (505) 277-1532


Mailing Address

UNM Staff Council
Hokona-Zuni Rm 302 MSC02 1560
1 University of New Mexico
AlbuquerqueNM 87131-0001